Data Hygiene makes your data robust

Home Data Hygiene makes your data robust
Data Hygiene makes your data robust By: @dmin / June 1, 2022

Data Hygiene makes your data robust

Data hygiene is the process where you perform essentials checks:

  • Audit your Data
  • Create Standardized Rules and Regulations
  • Remove Redundant Data
  • Update Data Frequently or on a real-time basis

Why data hygiene is important?

Data Hygiene is crucial for all sizes of businesses to make data-driven decisions every day. It is an ongoing process where spelling errors, duplicate data, and outdated or incomplete data are scrutinized to form standardized and clean data. When the data is outdated or erroneous it will have a clear cost to improve its hygiene. Pointless to say, having clean data is critical. Good data hygiene practices lead to gaining efficiency in lead generation, lead tracking, proper monitoring, and updation.

4 Data Hygiene Best Practices

Audit your database
Auditing your database is very necessary and should be your 1st step, to begin with. An audit is simple, look at your data, and determine how much is useful for your business. Which data points are needed? Which are not? Which areas of your database requires help? Incorrect, Outdated & inaccurate data- once you identify which data is harmful and which one is helpful then continue forward with your next steps and keep parsing your data bit by bit. A clean database helps you to target the right audience at a right time, which will optimize revenue and brand.

Create Standardized Rules and Regulations

Standardized rules will minimize manual/bulk upload errors in the system e.g. you can apply rules for the email address field without @ sign it will not accept the entry in the system. Pincode in India region should be of 6 digits and a numeric value. This way you can create standardized rules and regulations and curb the error’s in the systems.

Remove Redundant Data

The database with multiple entries in the system having the same company name, contact names, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. The redundant data can be reduced by applying the normalization method in the system.

Update Data Frequently on a real-time basis

B2B Data decays if not updated frequently, it decays at a rate of 70% per year. It notifies that the sales & marketing team who updates customer records in the system are sending wrong messages to the wrong contact which in turn are impacting the campaigns that they are targeting.

Using ValueData tools and techniques to update the data in real-time will avoid chasing incorrect leads, more important, avoid losing the trust of your customers.

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Contact Data Quality leads to successful marketing campaigns


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